No Match found for that Number.

“; ?>
“); } else { print(“
Image not available please contact us for more information

“); } ?> Details – PDF
“); } ?>

“); } $thumbnail3=”$mls2″.”_3.jpg”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail3″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail4=”$mls2″.”_4.jpg”; $url = “”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail4″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail5=”$mls2″.”_5.jpg”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail5″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail6=”$mls2″.”_6.jpg”; $url = “”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail6″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail7=”$mls2″.”_7.jpg”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail7″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail8=”$mls2″.”_8.jpg”; $url = “”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail8″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail9=”$mls2″.”_9.jpg”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail9″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail10=”$mls2″.”_10.jpg”; $url = “”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail10″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail11=”$mls2″.”_11.jpg”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail11″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail12=”$mls2″.”_12.jpg”; $url = “”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail12″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } $thumbnail13=”$mls2″.”_13.jpg”; if (@fclose(@fopen(“$url/$thumbnail13″, ” r “))) { print(“
“); } ?>

Property Location

Call for Property Address – 1715-349-2899 \n”; } ?>

]href=”([^”]+)”>([^<]+)#’, “$2 [$1]”, $content); // Working // Print the new $content // echo “


“; // Load all the YT links in the $content into an array $content = preg_match_all(‘#https?://(?:[0-9A-Z-]+\.)?(?:youtu\.be/|youtube\.com\S*[^\w\-\s])([\w\-]{11})(?=[^\w\-]|$)(?![?=&+%\w]*(?:[\'”][^<>]*>|))[?=&+%\w-]*#ix’,$content,$output); // This will count the number of YT links found. YOu may find it handy… $numMatches = count($output[1]); // echo “

Output is $numMatches

“; // This will print the $output array //echo “
//echo "
“; // This will output ALL the unformatted YouTube information/videos foreach ($output[1] AS $video_id) { if (!isset($video[$video_id])) { $video[$video_id]=true; // Get YouTube data via the API $JSON = file_get_contents(“$video_id&alt=json”); $JSON_Data = json_decode($JSON); // What to we want to extract? $views = $JSON_Data->{‘feed’}->{‘entry’}[0]->{‘yt$statistics’}->{‘viewCount’}; $title = $JSON_Data->{‘feed’}->{‘entry’}[0]->{‘title’}->{‘$t’}; $duration = $JSON_Data->{‘feed’}->{‘entry’}[0]->{‘media$group’}->{‘yt$duration’}->{‘seconds’}; $description = $JSON_Data->{‘feed’}->{‘entry’}[0]->{‘media$group’}->{‘media$description’}->{‘$t’}; $video_author = $JSON_Data->{‘feed’}->{‘entry’}[0]->{‘author’}[0]->{‘name’}->{‘$t’}; // Output ALL thumbs and extracted data (from above) // echo “  
“; // echo “Views $views
Title $title
Duration $duration
Description $description
Author $video_author

“; // Embed videos $embed_code = ‘

‘; echo $embed_code; } } } elseif (!($row[‘Virtual_Tour_URL’] == NULL)) { $content =$row[‘Virtual_Tour_URL’]; print ” “; print “

“; //print “Virtual Tour“; } ?>
Call for Property Address – (715)349-2899 \n”; } ?>
Listing courtesy of
“; print “
Call (715) 349-2899 for more information
\n”; print ” \n”; }else { print ”
Listing courtesy of:”; echo $row[‘Listing_Office_Name’]; print ” \n”; print “
“; print “Call (715) 349-2899 for more information
\n”; } ?>